Show Committee Volunteers Needed.

The Horse Show Committee needs ADULT help in these areas. Perfect for a Retired Horse Show Mom/Dad/Grandparent that wants to keep their toe in the show world or an Adult Rider that used to compete but is working a full-time job and has no time to show competitively anymore.

These people would be part of the Ludwig’s Corner Horse Show Committee. We meet once a month through Labor Day Weekend at Chicago Uno in Lionville, in the evening.

CONTACT for overall Horse Show Committee Info, meetings, etc:
Becca Smith, Horse Show Chair:


Time to start: Mid- August to pull them from the display cases & polish them all, before the show.

Someone to handle the Trophies from start to finish.

Takes trophies to the show grounds on that Friday of Labor Day Weekend and installs them in the display case in the Secretary Stand.
During the show, this person displays the trophies, handles/coordinates each trophy for it’s presentation in the Main Ring or other ring if applicable & ensures they do not leave the Trophy Tent.
Maintains a record that weekend of all trophy winners and their correct information.
Removes the trophies from the show grounds after the show and gets them engraved.
When trophies are engraved, pays the engraving bill, picks them up and arranges trophies in the cabinets at The Ludwig’s Grille & DNB. LCHS pays to for the engraving, the Trophy Chair submits the bill for re-imbursement.

Lather, Rinse, Repeat for the next year. The Trophy Chair also decides when a trophy needs to be retired, replaced or repaired. They would also be the contact for any new trophies.

CONTACT: Wendy Silverwood,


Time to start: in the next month or so.

We could use someone to help secure sponsorship for Awards. This person bird-dogs businesses, barns, trainers, families or others to underwrite the cost of/or agrees to donate dress coolers, saddle pads and other goodies we give out to the exhibitors. This person would communicate with the Sponsor Committee & coordinate any interest from them towards underwriting exhibitor awards as well as any promotion in the program/ring banners.

CONTACT: Wendy Silverwood

3. PARKING COORDINATOR: for the Horse Van/Trailer area.

Time to start: beginning of summer for planning.

Preferably a Duo, they implement the parking protocol of the horse vans and trailers. They deal ONLY with the equestrian traffic, not the country fair/spectators. They will need to be at the show each morning, and stay for the AM.
The Horse Show Manager can provide more information on logistics, supplies and times.

CONTACT: Jack Dougherty, Horse Show Manager:


Time to start: beginning of summer.

Barn Row Boxes/Ring 2 Boxes: This shaded seating is above the Schooling Ring and down along the Ring 2 rail. There are limited quantities to market, due to space constraints. This person deals only with the equestrian crowd as these boxes are for Trainers, Barns, Exhibitors and their families.

We need someone to coordinate the advertising, soliciting, payment and assigning of these tented seating setups. They would communicate/coordinate with the Sponsor Committee, as the Sponsor Committee handles the Spectator Shaded Hillside Seating above the Main Ring & sets overall pricing.

CONTACT: Beth Engle:

**The below need not be be horse show “proficient” – any reasonable ADULT can handle this. However, having experience with horse showing makes it easier:


Time to start: this spring for blogging

Someone to handle the show advertising poster & rack cards (IF we decide to do them) their distribution, and placing blurbs on the Labor Day Weekend Show in area newspapers & trade publications. Bonus if they are Social Media literate – get reporters on the grounds to cover the show and can do some blogging on our new website.

Becca Smith:


Time to start – now to book a spot in the library

This person reserves some lobby space in the Henrietta Hankin Library for a small horse show/country fair display. Usually this is set up for the month of August and removed after Labor Day Weekend. The library has a locking glass display table they have let us use in the past.
The Horse Show Committee has display materials already on hand for this effort.

CONTACT: Wendy Silverwood,