Friday Night Ludwig’s Corner Horse Show Kick Off Cocktail Party Friday, August 30th from 6-9PM We are excited to announce that we are moving our Annual Ludwig’s Corner Horse Show Party back to Friday...
Carnival excitement is back this year at Ludwig’s Corner Show Grounds. Enjoy the fun Tuesday July 9 through Saturday July13. . Along with the Houghton rides and midway the weekend features entertainment by the Downingtown School...
In addition to hosting an historic Labor Day weekend horse show and country fair, the Ludwig’s Corner Horse Show and Country Fair is committed to maintaining our beautiful 33-acre show grounds as open space....
Take your horse off property and tune up before show season begins! The Ludwig’s Corner Horse Show Association is excited to present a clinic with USEF ‘r’ judge and clinician Bradley Caine on Sunday,...
The last event for the season at the show grounds over the past years has by a Cyclo-Cross race. This type of bicycle race consist of many laps of a short course featuring pavement,...
Here is a look back a pages from earlier Ludwig’s Corner Horse Shows. Be sure to join us the 80th edition this Labor Day weekend. Click on an image to enlarge it.
Be sure to check-out the entertainment in the Rosato Ring on Sunday to mark the 80th edition of the Ludwig’s Corner Horse Show. For more information see the complete weekend schedule. Kimberton Hunt Parade...
For decades, LCHSA has kept Meeting Minutes, which are in the process of being digitally scanned and preserved. Read about the history of the Horse Show and a sampling of minutes from 1947. The...