As a vendor, we realize you have worked hard to build your brand and carefully select your events and audience. We sincerely thank you for your interest in our show.
Ludwig’s Corner Horse Show and Country Fair has been a Chester County tradition going on 81 years. The local community has grown, and we take pride in sharing this wonderful event with old and new faces. In our vendor area, we are seeking a diverse shopping experience that will complement the Labor Day weekend celebration. We strive to showcase local vendors and their unique crafts.
We are encouraging vendors to make the shopping experience an interactive/educational opportunity whenever possible. Bringing extra chairs and inviting fairgoers to experience and learn will benefit you the vendor as well as enhance the experience for the shoppers.
We are currently accepting vendor applications for our 2024 show. We cannot hold a space unless we have a completed application. Reserve your spot by July 15th by mailing a completed Vendor Application and Contract along with payment check & insurance information to the Vendor Chair.
The list of last year’s Vendor’s can be found HERE
If you would like more vendor information contact: