LCHSA Jump Inventory
Currently this is the list of available jump supplies for Horse Shows held on the grounds as of October, 2021.
Pony Jumps
Complete Pony Hunter Course – 4′ standards – builds up to 2’9″
Includes 10′ rails – white, brick, natural, gray
10′ white, natural & brick gates
brick, stone & white walls
flower boxes – white & brick (fake flowers not included)
plastic jump cups (reverse to flat) & pins
FEI breakaway cups with brackets & pins available – required for USEF shows

Hunter Jumps

Complete Hunter Course – builds up to 3’6″
Include 12′ rails – white & natural, some brick & green
12′ white & natural gates
brick & stone walls/beige boxes
flower boxes – white & brick pattern (flowers not included)
plastic jump cups (reverse to flat) & pins
FEI breakaway cups with brackets & pins available – required for USEF shows
Jumper Jumps

Complete Jumper Course – 6′ standards builds to 1.30m nicely.
1 pair white with cutout for hanging baskets
1 pair butterfly
1 pair pink slant wings
2 pair blue slant wings
2 pair black & teal panel
1 pair orange panel
2 pair birch wings
2 pairs wagon wheels
1 pair brick towers
jump standards for spreads:
1 pair each: pink, orange, blue, white, birch, black
1 set large blue boxes 2′ high
1 set black with teal diamond boxes 2’6 high
planks & gates to match standards:
orange, birch, LCHSA , black, blue wave
12′ striped rails to match
jumper flags
jumper numbers: red course, blue course, white course 1 thru 12, ABC
Gambler’s Choice point posters
keyhole jump cups & keyhole safety cups
1 set start/finish markers
Polaris timing equipment available for additional fee
Derby Jumps
Cordwood Wine Barrel Split Rail Hi/Low Skinny Coop Stone Wall trot jump Natural Hi/Low Wagon Wheel Barn Panels (this coop not available)

Miscellaneous – for Derbies
split rail high/low option standards
2 Coops – 2’6
numerous split rails
natural rails
natural gate
1 pair cordwood standards
7 natural jump standards
2 sets of brush boxes
stone/brick/beige boxes
4 short natural schooling standards
(8) 6′ natural schooling standards
2 wine barrels
2 pairs green jump standards with fox mask
pine branch logs 10′ – 12′
jump cups & pins
Schooling/Warm Up
a warm up in Ring 3 can be made Schooling Ring
Schooling/Warm Up
Assorted schooling standards to do 2 warm up areas
10′ & 12′ schooling rails (white & striped)
jump cups & pins
FEI breakaway cups & pins (40 total) are available – horse shows will be charged for any lost or damaged safety cups. See grounds manager for access.
1 pair LCHS logo jump standards – pin style
10 navy blue jump standards – pin style
1 pair white standards – pin style
Kimberton Hunt panel
Fenceworks panel
Rosato Foundation jumper panel
Precise Builders jump – keyhole
Sections of bicycle fencing to section off warm up/holding area
2 buckets of plastic chain to section off warm up/holding area.